When it rains, the nutrients of the mountains flow as rivers, go out to sea, become the source of many lives, and then come back as rain. Just as water circulates, we believe that the manufacturing cycle should also be like this.
Indigo is truly a dye that circulates.
After sowing indigo seeds in the field, dye is made from the grown leaves, and after dyeing the fabric, it is returned to the field to fertilize the soil and grow the seeds for the next year.
We, human beings, are also kept alive in this beautiful cycle.

Growing indigo plants
At SAOL, we grow indigo plants called “Tadeai”, which has been cultivated in Japan since ancient times.
We make compost by mixing fallen leaves picked up in the mountains, rice husks, rice bran, and oil cake, cut weeds and lay them on ridges instead of mulching, and use natural materials as much as possible without using chemical fertilizers or pesticides.

Making “Sukumo”
“Sukumo” is a natural dye made from indigo, which is used to dry the leaves and add water to ferment them.
The grown plants are reaped in summer. Since indigo plants has strong regenerative power, it continues to grow even after harvesting, and can be reaped 2~3 times in one season.
And their leaves are dried well and piled up.
Only water is sprinkled on the piled indigo leaves and they are fermented for approximately 30-100 days to be ready as dye.
Indigo dyed
Sukumo contains indigo color pigments. The pigments are not water soluble and cannot be used for dye as they are. First, indigo leaves need to be mixed with alkaline substances such as shell ash and wood ash lye in a container and fermented under observation in order to make the indigo color pigments become water soluble.
Cloths are then immersed for a while in the dye liquid made by the method above, and aired. The indigo color pigments react with the oxygen in the air and are fixed by returning to be water insoluble. After washing the cloths well in the water, unnecessary and unfixed color substances are washed away and a vivid indigo color appears.

Making raw materials from scratch is time-consuming and labor-intensive.
Even so, the main reason we started doing it was that fewer people were making sukumo, and it became difficult to get it.
Another reason was that in the village where I live now, there is more and more abandoned farmland, so it was easy to rent a field.
Actually, it is interesting to see the results of trial and error. In addition, we are also confident that we use environmentally friendly and safe materials.
I feel that knowing each process is useful for production.
At the same time, I realize that the number of people who make it is decreasing because it takes time and effort, but it does not generate profits commensurate with it.
Thinking about what we should do to realize sustainable manufacturing in the future while living in nature.